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Berry Mix Pack Feminized Cannabis Seeds

Rated 3/5 by 3 customer(s).
8 Seeds by Pack

Berry Mix Pack Feminized Cannabis Seeds

This mixed pack is perfect for the indecisive grower or one who loves variety. A selection taken from the best berry-flavored cannabis strains in our catalog. You will find 4 mild, sweet varieties of berries, which will allow you to alternate your tastes and flavors with each plant during your cultivation.

Between Sativa and Indica, we chose 1 Sativa strain (Strawberry) for the cerebral "high" and 3 Indica strains (Blueberry, Blackberry Kush and Pink Berry) for their medicinal properties. You can have the best of both worlds for day, evening and night. Indicas can help you with stress and anxiety, pain management and getting to sleep.

Similar flowering times for the 4 strains are between 8 and 10 weeks indoors while outdoors they will finish around the beginning of October. Each of the strains will give you a medium high yield that will give you nice big buds. These crystal-filled buds have a THC content of around 20%. The specifications of the 4 "Berry" varieties are available to consult, via the links below.

This mix pack, suitable for both beginners and connoisseurs, will delight and enchant you with their virtues and terpenes filled with flavors.

In this feminized Berry Mix Pack you will find:
- 2 Blueberry
- 2 Blackberry Kush
- 2 Pink Berry
- 2 Strawberry

The seeds are packed separately and identified on the packaging by a color code.

  • Availability: In Stock
  • Model: Q.C.S.
  • Manufacturer: Q.C.S. Quebec Cannabis Seeds

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