SirWeezy |

So, here's the deal. I bought these seeds 2 yrs ago and never had time, or the patience, to grow. I had such high hopes (pun intended) and motivation when I first bought my house. Now that the cost of living has skyrocketed, I'm trying to save money. I was thumbing through my junk drawer and bam, my seeds from 2022. QC White, BBA, and a ak47×Blueberry. 5 seeds each. I'm like, nooooo shot these 15 seeds will germinate and develop into seedlings. Holy smokes (again, intended), this is the best seed bank. 14 of 15 2 YEAR OLD SEEDS germinated and are now seedlings. I am blown away by the quality. Kudos to you and your bank, throughly impressed. I'm only 3.5 weeks in so we shall see if I lose any or they all get to the harvesting.
A customer for life..
Kay Fiedler |

I got to laugh, the last time trying to grow this type, I was sure I was doing right, it was 2022, and boy oh boy what a learning curve..
This time around, I learned so much more from mistakes, and the Bruce banner I have now are totally different again..with every grow I learn something…
Well let’s see what 2024 brings, everything I’ve grown is not helping pain, it works for day time but not for sleep or pain…
I can only hope I grow these plants to a point that are better than what I can buy at dispensary ….if not my wife wants me to stop growing….NOT…
I’ll fill you all in after I’ve burped it a few weeks after drying..
Just thank God I found this place to buy seeds at least they come up each time I grow, takes one problem away, last problem is me…
Took me long enough..had I not waisted the first two years with shit seeds from somewhere else…it would not have taken me so long to learn..
Soon update, cross fingers for me…
Mistertoe |

Commandé lundi, reçu mercredi. WoW, grosses semences+ freebees (Gelato x nlt) pour moi. Seme cette semaine,
Kay Fiedler |

I’m finally learning how to grow indoors, took me long enough, I was making every mistake in the book, but learned from each mistake…my BBA, are totally is smaller with Hugh buds at 50 days in flower..the other is Hugh, all the plants I’ve been growing lately are twice the size than before.
And all because I finally got the best seeds, from the best seed bank, thank you all, making my dreams come true, and starting to walk better.
Pierre |

I am realy happy whith my seed 4 came up good 1 did not open growing dring well