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Lighting Schedules for Autoflowering Cannabis

Posted On 09/23/2023 By QCS
Lighting Schedules for Autoflowering Cannabis

The importance of Optimised Lighting for Autoflowers

Optimized lighting is crucial for the growth and development of autoflowering plants, as it directly affects their ability to photosynthesize and produce energy for growth. Autoflowers are a type of cannabis seeds that does not rely on changes in light cycles to trigger flowering, but instead flower based on their age.

Having the right type and intensity of light can greatly enhance the growth rate, yield, and potency of autoflowers. Here are some of the ways in which optimized lighting can benefit autoflowers:

  1. Increased Photosynthesis: Autoflower cannabis plants need a sufficient amount of light to perform photosynthesis and produce energy for growth. Providing the right type and intensity of light can ensure optimal photosynthesis, leading to faster growth and increased yields.
  2. Improved Flowering: Autoflowers need light to flower, but too much light can cause the plants to produce more leaves than flowers. On the other hand, too little light can result in stunted growth and reduced yields. Optimal lighting can help ensure that autoflowers produce a healthy balance of leaves and flowers, leading to higher yields.
  3. Better Quality: Autoflowers that receive optimal lighting tend to produce more potent and flavorful buds. This is because light is a key factor in determining the potency and quality of the buds.

What is the Best Light Schedule for Autoflowers

The best light schedule for autoflowers is a topic that is often debated among growers. Autoflowers are unique in that they do not rely on changes in light cycles to trigger flowering, but instead flower based on their age. As a result, they can be grown under a variety of light schedules.

18/6 light schedule

The 18/6 light schedule is a popular choice for growing autoflowers. This schedule involves providing the plants with 18 hours of light per day and 6 hours of dark period. This light schedule is designed to provide the plants with enough light for optimal growth and photosynthesis, while also allowing for sufficient periods of darkness for rest and rejuvenation.

Under this schedule, autoflowers will typically grow and flower quickly, producing high yields of potent and flavorful buds. The 18-hour light cycle is easy to maintain and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor growing setups.

It's important to note that the 18/6 light schedule is a general guideline and may need to be adjusted based on the specific needs of the plants and the growing environment. Growers may need to adjust the light schedule based on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the stage of the plant's growth.

24-hour light schedule

A 24-hour light schedule is another option for growing autoflowers. This schedule involves providing the plants with 24 hours of continuous light per day.

While autoflowers do not rely on changes in light cycles to trigger flowering, they still require periods of darkness to rest and rejuvenate. A 24-hour light schedule can be stressful for the plants, leading to reduced yields and lower quality buds.

However, some growers prefer to use a 24-hour light cycle as a way to maximize yields and growth rate. This schedule can be particularly useful for indoor growing setups where light can be controlled more precisely.

It's important to note that a 24-hour light schedule requires high-quality lighting equipment and may increase energy costs. In addition, the plants may need to be monitored closely to ensure that they are not experiencing stress or other issues as a result of the continuous light exposure.

12/12 light schedule

The 12/12 light schedule is a common choice for growing autoflowers. This schedule involves providing the plants with 12 hours per day and 12 hours of darkness.

This light schedule is designed to trigger flowering in photoperiodic cannabis strains, which rely on changes in light cycles to initiate the flowering process. However, autoflowers do not rely on changes in light cycles to trigger flowering and will flower based on their age, regardless of the light schedule.

Despite this, some growers still choose to use a 12/12 light schedule for autoflowers, as it provides the plants with a balance of light and darkness that can support healthy growth and development. Under this schedule, autoflowers will typically grow and flower quickly, producing high yields of potent and flavorful buds.

It's important to note that the 12/12 light schedule may not be the most effective option for growing autoflowers, as it provides the plants with less light than other light schedules, such as the 18/6 or 20/4 schedules.

How do you ensure optimal light for Autoflowers Outdoors?

Ensuring optimal light for autoflowers outdoors requires careful consideration of several factors, including the location, time of year, and weather conditions. Here are some steps you can take to ensure optimal light for autoflowers outdoors:

Ensuring optimal light for autoflowers outdoors requires careful consideration of several factors, including the location, time of year, and weather conditions. Here are some steps you can take to ensure optimal light for autoflowers outdoors:

  1. Choose the right location: Autoflowers need a lot of light to grow and flower, so it's important to choose a location that receives a lot of sunlight. A sunny and well-ventilated location is ideal.

  2. Consider the time of year: The amount of sunlight that plants receive can vary depending on the time of year. For example, during the summer, the sun is higher in the sky and provides more intense light, while in the winter, the sun is lower in the sky and provides less intense light. Consider the time of year when planting autoflower seeds outdoors to ensure that they receive enough light.

  3. Monitor weather conditions: Weather conditions can also have an impact on the amount of light that photoperiod strains receive. Heavy cloud cover, rain, and storms can reduce the amount of light that plants receive. Monitor weather conditions and adjust the location of the plants if necessary to ensure that they receive enough light.

  4. Use reflective materials: Reflective materials, such as aluminum foil, can be used to increase the amount of light that autoflowers receive. Place reflective materials around the plants to direct more light onto the leaves and increase the intensity of the light.

Prune and train the plants: Pruning and training the plants can help to optimize light exposure and increase yields. Remove any leaves or branches that are shading the buds, and train the plants to grow in a way that maximizes light exposure.

Should you Change the Light Cycle for Autoflowers?

No, you should not change the autoflower light cycle. Autoflowering strains do not rely on changes in light cycles to trigger flowering, and instead flower based on their age. Changing the light cycle will not have any effect on the flowering stage.

In fact, changing the cannabis light cycle can be stressful for autoflowers and may negatively impact their growth and development. Auto strains need a consistent light schedule to perform photosynthesis and produce energy for growth.

Autoflowers and Lighting: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about autoflowers and lighting conditions:

How much light do autoflowers need?

  1. Autoflowers need a lot of light to grow and flower. A common light schedule for autoflowers is 18/6 or 20/4, which means that the plants receive 18 or 20 hours of light per day and 6 or 4 hours period of darkness, respectively. This provides the plants with enough light source for optimal photosynthesis and growth cycle, while also allowing for sufficient periods of darkness for rest and rejuvenation.

What is the best type of light for autoflowers?

  1. The best type of light for photoperiod plants is full-spectrum LED lights (Blue Lights) or high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, such as metal halide or high-pressure sodium lights. These lights provide the plants with the full light spectrum they need for optimal growth and photosynthesis.

Can autoflowers grow with natural light?

  1. Yes, autoflower strains can grow with natural light, but they need a lot of it to grow and flower effectively. It's important to choose a location that receives a lot of direct sunlight, and to monitor the weather conditions to ensure that the plants receive enough light.


In conclusion, lighting is a crucial factor in growing healthy and productive autoflowering cannabis plants. Autoflower plants are unique in that they do not rely on changes in light cycles to trigger flowering, but instead flower based on their age.

It's important to choose a light schedule that provides the plants with enough light for optimal growth and photosynthesis, and to stick to it throughout the growth life cycle. Growers should also consider the specific needs of their plants and their growing environment, and be prepared to adjust the light schedule if necessary.